Thursday, January 15, 2009

Smashed Mirror and our Macgyver Move..

It's been a few days since I've updated. It seems I have more to do at home than I do sitting in a RV. :)

After our relaxing trip to Hot Springs, and man was it reeeelaxing, we traveled back to our home on wheels ready to hit the road. We were clean and raring to go. Lisa settled into the driver's seat and next thing I know she was cussing. Apparently, someone decided to clip our mirror driving by and smash it to little bits. What the $%@*?

Lisa being her resourceful self walked up and down the street entering each store to see if there was someone who could help us find a replacement for our mirror. After a few tries, she finally talked to a nice man who notified us that there was an AutoZone just a minute or two away. Gotta love helpful strangers! He even came out to check out the damage. I was too flustered to remember to take a picture.

With my help (laying on the back bed and telling her when it was safe to merge), Lisa navigated us to the AutoZone. A few minutes later, we had a brand new jerry-rigged mirror.

Here's the before:

Macgyver (aka Lisa):

The remains:

Macgyver putting on the final touch. A fancy blind spot mirror:

Aren't we (and by we I mean Lisa - I was just sitting in the passenger seat saying "What the HELL are we suppposed to do now?") resourceful!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA I THINK I AM GOING TO PEE MYSELF. Jen you are hilarious.
