Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pics from the day before

The Video we were forced to suffer through just in case we weren;t smart enought to read the manual.

Dude trying to fix the lock on the outdoor shower, just in case we got the urge to strip naked in 30 F weather to shower in the middle of the highway.

And the interior. See those two seat, thats were are asses are going to be getting really sore fo the next few days.
Figured it was dark and I should take the sunglass off . Thanks Jen try and take better pics of your sis from here on out.


  1. D is for drive, N is for Neutral, R is for reverse. Just in case you didn't know.

  2. Woo-Hoo. RV trip AND a blog. Shuweet! :)

  3. Flash + reflective surfaces = glare

    - the photography nerd

  4. Yeah...take the flash off and bump up the iso if you have to (although this one is outside during the day so you should be okay around 200/400.)

    --is also a nerd....lol
