Tuesday, December 30, 2008

More Pics from day 1

Thought I would take a few moments to introduce the rest of the players on this crazy west bound journey across country.

From left to right we have Squirt in the dark blue carrier in the corner (the on in front of him is an extra) next to that we have Crash and Boomer together of course because they are inseparable and then there is Stinker the smallest in the group.

Again left to right we have Sweetie in the carrier you cant see through, then Jazz (AKA Monkey) With Princess and Runt the other two cats in the carrier at the end.

This is a view of all of them. If you look down below you will see the top of the driver seat so you get the idea that they are right above us. THANK GOD!!!! they are all being very very good.

And for those that are interested we have the Audacious Inquiry Mug along for the ride as well as a black Calvin Klein T-shirt that belongs to a certain someone that also couldn't make it an well got my yoga pants instead of his shirt.

Well and of course we cant forget Aggy. He was supposed to join us for the trip, but well at 18 he opted out a couple of weeks ago. So he gets the prominent seat and gets to play navigator on his way to join Sebastian. (OK OK yes I know its a little warped but what do you expect????)

So for all


BTW we are currently near Blacksburg, Va. 289 miles down the road. The cats are know out of their carriers and all is well.

1 comment:

  1. I giggled just a little that you put the cats beside the birds. lol
